How are current products used by the customer and what are the requirements for the next product generations? Which competitive products or technological disruptions endager the company‘s activities? More than ever, these are important questions in the context of product and portfolio management of manufacturing companies. In order to make successful strategic decisions, it is therefore important to obtain an overall picture of all areas of the market. Due to the growing availability of data and new techniques of analysis, the market intelligence holds promising potential, but also challenges.
In cooperation with a consortium of 9 manufacturing companies, the Complexity Management Academy and the Labatory for machine tools and production engineering conducted an international benchmarking study on the topic of „Market Intelligence“.
The aim of the study was to identify factors for a successful implementation of market intelligence in the product and portfolio management.
The focus was on the collection of available and suitable data on the market and its targeted and correct transfer into relevant knowledge. Furthermore, the necessary methods and tools as well as organizational requirements for successfully anchoring market intelligence within the organization are exciting and at the same time challenging aspects, which are dealt in the study.
Please be invited to use the questionnaire to examine your strategy and previous approach to the implementation and use of market intelligence. As a participant, you will receive an individual positioning of your company in comparison to leading industrial companies’ market intelligence approach in the course of an anonymized study evaluation.
The benchmarking study has been designed for 9 months. During the initial screening phase data has been captured in a global context based on the questionnaire. In collaboration with our industrial and scientific expert network, promising approaches have been further analyzed by case studies with the respective participants of the study. As part of the evaluation phase, the returns have been analyzed while all participants were provided with an individual positioning within the overall study results. According to the overall motto “Learn from the best”, best practices have been shared across the successful practice companies and the consortium in the course of five exchanges.
You can find the key topics of the consortial benchmarking study below.
Dr. Alexander Keuper
Managing Director
Complexity Management Academy GmbH
Campus Boulevard 30
D-52074 Aachen
T +49 241 80 22151
M +49 151 43115499
Dr. Alexander Keuper